Friday, August 31, 2007

Welcome to "Riding for Revolution"

Some readers and supporters of Revolution Newspaper in New York City, who happen to also be into riding bikes, recently had an epiphany. We decided to use one of the things we love to do as a way of contributing to something we think the world badly needs right now: an expanded, even better, more widely available Revolution Newspaper, which exposes, indicts, explains and shows a viable and liberating way out from under the nightmarish system of capitalism. We 're embarking on something that promises to be a ton of fun and has the potential to be a way of raising a lot of money for the paper's ongoing expansion drive. We're asking people for pledges for our ride, which will take place this October and will enable people to ride distances ranging from 100 kilometers (a "metric century") down to 25 miles. Contributions received for the ride will go entirely to support the paper and help it become a much bigger force in society.

Please check back frequently for updates on the ride. Very soon we are aiming to have a way people can pledge directly online, via this blog site. Please contact us if you're interested in being part of the ride in any way, or if you have questions about it.