Sunday, September 16, 2007

Here's How You Donate

Everything you need to know about contributing to the Ride for Revolution is at the link Below. With a few clicks, you can donate online using a credit card, or you can send a check or money order.

But wait! There's more!

The next link has info about being part of the growing number of people being activated into the process of taking up the challenge of raising $500,000 to expand the scale, reach and quality of Revolution Newspaper. We want people giving donations to our ride not only to have a good sense of what they're giving to and why, but also of how and why they can and should be part of going out to others to raise even more as a concrete form of support for a paper that gives no slack to this system, calls out what it does and helps people see why things don't have to be the way they are, what a radically different and better world would be like, and a sense of what has to be done to bridge the gap between where we are now, and that world.

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